Monday, January 17, 2011


But soon will come another PSP. It might be called the PSP 2.

Here is what we expect:

-UMD compatibility There was news (or a rumor) that there won't be UMD compatibility.
-2.0MP webcamera (would be awesome)
-3D screen
-Ability to play on a TV with a mini-USB to HDMI cable
-Long lasting battery (charges fast too)
-touchscreen (Nintendo said 3D and touch screen don't like eachother... they could be best friends if Sony tried to make it!)
-Connect to Playstation 4 option in home menu
-New Operating System
-New R and L buttons (nice stainless-steel polished R and L buttons? please?)'
-Movie and game share (parents can buy movies and games on their computers and preview them while the kid's PSP downloads it in the background and comes available as soon as download is finished)'
-Surround Sound (perfect for people with friends that like to watch movies on-the-go together)


That's all we expect now... Please comment on what you think would be cool!

Playstation 4?

It's that time again. Although, not yet. We suspect news about a Playstation 4 to come about just as 2011 is going to end. It seems like the Playstation 4 should come out in 2012 since Sony releases a new Playstation every 6 years. But that is all we know for now...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nintendo DS Pro

Think of how nice a Nintendo DS would be. If the PSP games, movies, hardware, and software would be ported... It would be awesome!

But imagine what Nintendo could do...

All touchscreens... Full 3D... Game demos... Better cameras... Better graphics... What do you get when you add them together? You would have the best Nintendo DS ever. Any specifics that would be what you call a Nintendo DS Pro?

I would like to hear your comments!

Monday, November 1, 2010


The PSP 3000 was the coolest PSP of them all because you could use it as a Skype phone.

But soon will come another PSP. It might be called the PSP 2.

Here is what we expect:

-UMD compatibility
-2.0MP webcamera (would be awesome)
-3D screen
-Ability to play on a TV with a mini-USB to HDMI cable
-Long lasting battery (charges fast too)
-touchscreen (Nintendo said 3D and touch screen don't like eachother... they could be best friends if Sony tried to make it!)
-Connect to Playstation 4 option in home menu
-New Operating System
-New R and L buttons (nice stainless-steel polished R and L buttons? please?)'
-Movie and game share (parents can buy movies and games on their computers and preview them while the kid's PSP downloads it in the background and comes available as soon as download is finished)'
-Surround Sound (perfect for people with friends that like to watch movies on-the-go together)


That's all we expect now... Please comment on what you think would be cool!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Welcome to the blog about the unofficial future of electronics.